The work explores the relationship between self and others by challenging current beliefs held around Mental Health. By conveying how one can become invisible within a system, governed by structure and defined rules. The themes are explored through the work; to provide an awareness of experiences and situations that otherwise would remain silent. It displays both strength and vulnerability.
By looking through an unassuming window where time is distorted, layered and reversed, one can perceive reflect or contemplate a troubled mind. Through the use of audio to imply an internal monologue. Where one is questioning Do you see me?
There are elements of familiarity in this work however the viewer enters into a domain of non-knowledge.
This work attempts to show us we share similar inner thoughts and experiences, but fear may prevent us from revealing them to others. This is achieved through experimental video and an expanded print practice. Each implies a distance, separation or removal, which correlates to how society tried to view mental health. Experimenting with alternative mediums, processes and supports, this work crosses many boundaries. By refusing and resisting status it can show us that we as individuals are equal.